
Quantity Description
One Block of wood 4" x 6" x 15" for the car body.
These are the actual dimensions not nominal ones.
I used a piece from a beam of black walnut I have.
One Small piece of veneer of the same type of wood, 5" x 3".
I got my own from the block when I cut it to width but you
might not be as lucky.
One Piece of white hardwood for the grill, 1/2" thick by 2" x 3".
I used some hop hornbeam, a very hard close grained wood,
as the grill will be made of many very thin strips.
18 inches Chair caning material
One Small bottle of flat black paint
12 inches 3/8" hardwood dowel
5 Hardwood wheels 2 1/2" diameter
5 5/16" diameter pins to hold the wheels
2 Headlight units 3/4" diameter
One Can of Polymerized Tung Oil

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